
Mailing Lists

If you have received an email welcoming you to a CDNL mailing list and want to learn more, you’re at the right place.


If, after you’ve read this, you still have questions please contact me by email andy<dot>race<at>cdnl<dot>org (obscured).

We had a successful trial in the use of mailing lists to allow our members to easily and safely communicate with each other.

Previously we were using a system of email forwarding which worked fine but had some issues that the new system overcame.

The most significant of these advantages is that the CDNL committee has the ability to moderate the messages that are distributed to the Subscribers of the list.  This has significantly decreased the amount of spam being received by subscribers.  This isn’t perfect so please ensure that you take the usual precautions when reading emails and notify the CDNL Committee immediately if you receive any suspicious emails.

At its simplest; Subscribers to the list (you if you’re a club contact/umpire) will continue to receive emails as before, and reply to them, as before.

Anyone wanting to contact clubs/umpires will continue to send emails to the list email address as before, however, behind the scenes there are a few changes:

  • Each email to the list can be moderated by a member of the CDNL committee before it is sent to the list’s Subscribers.
  • Senders to the list can be designated as ‘safe’ and subsequent emails from them do not need to be moderated.
  • List Subscribers receive the email as before which will now include a footer giving details of which list this was sent to and how to unsubscribe from the list.

Q: Which lists use this new system?
A: The following are now managed mailing lists:

  • WinterClubs@cdnl.org
  • WinterUmpires@cdnl.org

Q: Who added me to the list?
A: If you didn’t Subscribe yourself, a member of the CDNL committee added you as you put yourself forward as a representative of your club or an umpire.  You will have given your permission to be added to the list, however, if you feel this was in error or no longer wish to be contacted this way … read on.

Q: I no longer want to be on this list, how can I remove myself?
A: Either:

  • For the Winter Clubs list click here, for the Winter Umpires list click here.
    Enter your email address and the password you received in your welcome email and hit the ‘Unsubscribe’ button.
  • Contact the CDNL committee and ask to be removed.

NOTE: If you are removing yourself from the ‘Clubs’ list PLEASE ensure that you have at least TWO members of your club are still subscribed to the list so that your club continues to receive notices.

Q: I know someone/am someone who wants to be added to one of the lists.
A: Either:

  • For the Winter Clubs list the link is here, for the Winter Umpires list it’s here.
  • Contact the CDNL committee and ask to be added.

Mailing list links

List Name

Options Page
Unsubscribe or get a password reminder

List Info
Request to be added to the list

Winter ClubsLinkLink
Winter UmpiresLink


Summer Clubs


Summer Umpires


Previous issues with the email forwarding system

Email forwarding works like an email distribution list.  One of your CDNL committee managed the email addresses associated with this list which took a not inconsiderable amount of time.  Using this system you can add and remove yourself as you see fit.

We previously used GoDaddy to host the CDNL.ORG emails.
This, like most hosting solutions, was a shared server and unfortunately our co-habitants of the server were being flagged as generating spam which also put us on mail blacklists.

FYI We are now using Krystal.co.uk to host the website and emails.  This is still a shared server solution, but their support service is significantly better than GoDaddy so I am confident that were we to face the same issues we can work with them to resolve it.